Yesterday I bought a gaming magazine and read about the new L4D...
There was a short statement that should state why L4D 2 is coming so early from Doug Lombardi (Valve):
"We just have so much ideas!" Sooo here is everything important about the new facts:
- new maps, new setting (southern-american stats)
- new characters
- you can use melee weapons, but you can't carry them with you forever, since when you pull out a gun, you automatically drop the axe or w/e, greetings from Halo 3
- sometimes you find flame-ammonition, greetings from Crysis
- new zombies and more different looks
- new mutant-infested: Charger (Greetings from masses of RPGs where you can find this ability) he charges you and everyone around you to the ground, plus 2 new unknown super-infested, plus improved witch; she is walking over the map and seeking victims instead of sitting emo-like in a corner and crying
- the "AI-Director" has learned: he can blockade ways or make new ways (which the zombies did in 1 as well imo)
- and the most important change: it's daylight :d and the infection is just starting so the maps are not as destroyed as in part 1
If you ask me, this is the cheapest shit I've ever heard and is only beaten by the last CoH addon...